Eggless Lemon Mousse

No Bake , No Cook  this fresh Lemon Mousse is the most delicious and flavorful Lemon Mousse that I ‘ve ever tasted !! What you see here is definitely on the top of my dessert list !!


It’s creamy, silky smooth and over-the-top delicious !This dessert will make your occasion and guests one to remember . This will just get ready to have your taste buds blown away If you’ve been waiting for a egg less , non-chocolaty dessert , then this one is for you . Even though the unique taste, texture and flavor going on here are hard to forget, I cannot wait to indulge in a couple of days.

I know that any recipe including the word mousse can sound scary to some. While the recipe is definitely reminiscent of making an actual souffle, the rate of failing is a lot lower. So, if you’re thinking this is a difficult treat to pull off and you’re feeling intimated, don’t be. You don’t have to be as precise or worry about having the finished product fall or sink. But you’ll still be able to dig into something that’s quite similar and just as delicious.

There’s quite a lot of whipping going on while preparing this pudding, which means you incorporate a lot of air. With a mousse , you normally have to serve it within minutes to achieve the desired presentation. But, here there’s no such pressure with this treat. It actually tastes better after giving it time to rest and assures the perfect temperature once you’re ready to serve this to your partner. This is one of your easiest and simplest mousse recipe , you can make it anytime.

If you love lemons, you will go gaga over this. And even if you don’t , get ready to be converted. Once you dig deeper into this lemon pudding , you ‘re greeted with silky , creamy , smooth texture almost like ice cream, sweet and a little tangy flavor at the same time , but not overwhelmingly so . I have used  lemon Gondhoraj  for its  strong fragrance  locally available  in Assam instead of regular lemon in this pudding.



500 ml  Amul fresh cream

1  cup powdered sugar

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (1-2 lemons, depending on size )

1 tablespoon lemon zest

1 pouch gelatin / agar agar (veg option)

1/2 cup milk

1 teaspoon lemon color

Few lemon slices for decoration.



In a medium size bowl , place fresh cream and beat using electric beater or hand. Add powdered sugar and continue beat until soft peaks form.

In another pan over gas stove,  heat 1/2 cup milk and add gelatin , cook for 2-3 minutes and keep aside.

Using a rubber spatula, very gently fold  lemon juice, lemon zest , lemon colour and  gelatin into fresh cream mixture.

Now spread into round / square  pudding dish and place in the freeze for overnight.

Decorate with some lemon slices and lemon zest.

Serve chilled.


You can use regular lemon for juice and zest.

If you are using Gondhoraj lemon then use  its zest just before serving.

Dessert can even be made ahead of time and keep in fridge for a week.

Always serve chilled.